Police Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Promotion

Promotion Exams Coming Up? Give Yourself a REAL Advantage Over the Competition!

Use Our Real Police Promotion Exams Featuring Hundreds of Test Questions and Answers From EACH of Your Textbooks!

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Real Exams

You will use our expert study system and take your choice of real police promotion exams with up to 500+ test questions and answers from EACH of the 100+ major textbooks used in exams for Detective, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and upper-management ranks.

We are PolicePromotion.com, the authors of over 100,000 validated police promotion exam questions from hundreds of textbooks. 

Starting at less than 60 cents a day you have 24/7 unlimited use of our online exams, flashcards and Learning Management System (LMS). You can use your smartphone, tablet, Chromebook, desktop or laptop. You will also receive PDF files to print as flashcards and to use as self-scoring exams.

Real Results

There is a lot riding on this - pay, future pension, prestige, as well as a sense of career accomplishment as you are promoted up the ranks in law enforcement.

You need the best tools available in order to achieve your promotion!

We were the first to develop this promotion study system in 1985, and thousands of our clients have been promoted from the TOP of the list.

We are the #1 national leader in preparing law officers for their written promotion exams.

Over 99% of our clients pass their written promotional exams!

BONUS: Available only to our written testing clients - 2 full-length Promotion Oral Board Training Videos from Asst. Chief Bill Reilly (ret) and Finests.com! 

Real Guarantee

Exclusive Exam Pass Guarantee: If you follow our proven, expert study system and don't pass - we refund 100% of your membership.

Using our expert police promotion study system you will take exams 5 different ways: as printed flashcards, as PDF self-scoring exams, as pencil and paper exams, and advanced online exams and flashcards. The Learning Management System (LMS) lets you mark questions for review, tailor your exams and flashcards, add your own notes, and also track your scores and progress. Learn More

Try our online exams and flashcards for 12+ of the most popular police promotional textbooks, and download our expert study system "The 10-Steps To Written Exam Mastery" right now - at no cost!

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Police Sergeant Lieutenant Promotion ExamsFREE - Receive an immediate login and a PDF download link for our Expert 10-Step Police Promotion Study System! 
Take short, sample exams and try the online flashcards from all of the above pictured promotion textbooks - and many more - at no cost. Use your smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac. Your email address is never shared. You can unsubscribe with 1-click.


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List of Police Promotion Exams

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Read below what some of your fellow officers and deputies have to say:

Thousands of law enforcement officers around the nation have been promoted using our promotion exams and study system to prepare. 

  • "I want to thank you and your staff for putting together the finest program I have ever had an opportunity to use to prepare for a promotion process!

    I am happy to say that I tied for the top written test score and placed first in the oral board and I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant!"

    Lt. Ben Quinnell, Maine
  • "I ended up being number one on the list. I was offered the promotion and will take it as of January 3rd.  The test information was very helpful as it made me pay attention to material that I would not have paid attention to. I followed your 10-Step Study Guide and found it to be helpful.

    Thank you PoliceCareer.com!"

    New Lieutenant in Illinois
  • "I placed 1st out of 16 in the written exam for Captain, which was phase one in the overall Assessment Center exam format.

    I also placed 1st out of 16 on the final list after the assessment center.

     Thank you PoliceCareer.com!"

    New Captain in Texas
  • "I took the Philadelphia PD Sergeant exam, and with the help of your tests and flash cards I was able to come out #1 on my promotional exam out of 2,000 applicants. I would recommend you guys to everyone. Thank you so much!"

    UPDATE: "Thank you AGAIN Police Career! I passed my exam for Philadelphia Police Lieutenant and had near the top score!"

    Philadelphia PA Officer
  • "After reading and studying the books required by my department, I began taking your tests. I ended up finishing second with a score of 97.

    I was recently promoted and can happily say that without your tests, I would not be wearing my stripes today. Thank you PoliceCareer.com!"

    Sgt. Paul E. Kostick, FL
  • "Dear PoliceCareer.com -

    You have helped me get promoted to Lieutenant!

    My score was the highest on the written test and I finished #1 overall! Your book selection and tests were right on!"

    Lt. Shane Wimer, CA
  • "I ordered your promotional package and took the advice you gave me. Last year I was promoted to Corporal and then yesterday to Sergeant. I scored number 1 on both promotions.

    I would never have been promoted if I had not found your program."

    Sgt. PEB, CA
  • "Our department just completed our Sergeant's testing for this year.

    Thanks to your program I finished #1 after the written examination and #2 overall out of 19 applicants.

    Just wanted to say "Thank You!" very much. Your program is an invaluable resource."

    Michael Cobb, CA
  • "I just received the results from the Lieutenant's Exam. I am #2 on the list out of over 400 people who took the test.

    Your tests were a tremendous help... I have recommended your site to several of my colleagues."

    Sgt. Marques Newsom, PA
  • "I just wanted to thank you for this website and let you know it helped me so much. I was promoted!

    I just found the website to be fantastic. I read so much and studied very hard. The tests you had really helped me. My promotion was to Sergeant!"

    J.D. - New Sergeant in Utah
  • "My department was running two testing processes at the same time, Sergeant and Detective. I finished #1 in both promotional processes. I had my choice of promotion!

    Thanks again, your product was certainly a benefit to my promotion."

    JZ - newly promoted Detective in Wisconsin
  • "I have to hand it to your website, I recently took my promotional tests and by following your suggestions on reading, studying, reviewing, and utilizing the material on your website.

    I not only was well prepared but I also placed #1 on both written tests out of nearly 100 applicants on each test.

    I highly recommend your website (just not to those people who are competing against me)!"

    W.L., North Carolina
  • "I ordered your promotional exam study material in October. Thanks to the services and material your company provided I placed first on the exam and was promoted to Sergeant this past week. Thank you for your commitment to the law enforcement community. Be blessed."

    T.G., Wisconsin